siddhartha dialogue


398 Words

2021-10-17 19:00 -0500

by: GPT-3

Siddhartha and Govinda are discussing Being and Becoming, the voice of the river, and the meaning of life.

Siddhartha: Wisdom cannot be communicated. It can be only hinted at.

Govinda: But how did you come to understand this?

Siddhartha: I’m not sure that I understand it. I am still looking at it. I am still listening to it. It is not words, it is not thoughts, it is something more than that, which is trying to be expressed through me. But I am only its vessel, not its voice.

Govinda: And is this wisdom which you speak of like a doctrine?

Siddhartha: No, not like a doctrine. It is not wisdom which I would like to teach, nor is it the wisdom which one may learn from others. It is my wisdom, and I feel it is my wisdom only because it is not like my wisdom.

Govinda: Your words are very mysterious.

Siddhartha: Perhaps, my friend. But tell me, are you not also thinking of this at this very moment?

Govinda: How could I not?

Siddhartha: And are you not thinking of it in the same manner?

Govinda: I don’t know.

Siddhartha: You must tell me then.

Govinda: I have known you for many years, Siddhartha, and I have loved you. Oftentimes I have been full of admiration, oftentimes I have been delighted, but never have I been able to understand you.

Siddhartha: And what is it that you are lacking?

Govinda: I am lacking the ability to get lost in thoughts, in reveries.

Siddhartha: And do you think, Govinda, that you are the only one who is able to get lost in thoughts?

Govinda: No, of course not.

Siddhartha: And what do you think of thoughts, Govinda?

Govinda: I think thoughts are fine, they are interesting.

Siddhartha: Interesting?

Govinda: Yes, I think they are very interesting.

Siddhartha: And do you think that thoughts are good?

Govinda: I don’t know, they might be good.

Siddhartha: And what do you think of when you think?

Govinda: I think of the nature of things, of the world.

Siddhartha: And what do you think of when you think of the nature of things, of the world?

Govinda: I think of all sorts of things.

Siddhartha: And do you think of yourself when you think of the nature of things, of the world?

Govinda: Yes, I think of myself.